Who's Who at Emmanuel

Josh for website   David Runciman
Josh Monteiro  mail icon   David Runciman  mail icon
Staff Elder   Elder
Josh Monteiro is the staff elder (known in some churches as the pastor or minister) at Emmanuel, and also spends one day a week running the Training for East Anglia Ministry (TEAM course) for the Cambridgeshire Gospel Partnership. He is married to Karuna, and they have 4 children, and a dog. Before helping start Emmanuel Church, Josh was assistant pastor at two churches, and worked as a UCCF staff worker for Oxford and Brunel. He has studied at Cambridge (Medical Science), Oxford (Theology) and Bristol (MPhil Theology).   David is an elder at Emmanuel and lives in Longstanton with his wife Charlie. After studying history at university, David now works on the Science Park in Cambridge. Contact David if you are interested in our 11-14s youth group, Ignite
andrew t photo edit for websit   Alan White
Andrew Thompson  mail icon   Alan White  mail icon
Elder   Elder
Andrew joined the eldership team in February 2024. He lives in Northstowe with his wife Rosie and their three children. He works on Tuesdays to Fridays at the National Physical Laboratory as a data scientist and when he gets a spare minute he likes to go for a run, listen to a podcast or play the piano.    Alan is an elder at Emmanuel, is married to Ingrid and has two grown up children and a granddaughter. He has recently retired. He became a forgiven follower of Jesus at age 30, which is quite a long time ago now!
Jenny Hunt   Laura Thomas
Jenny Hunt  mail icon   Laura Bowes  mail icon
Church Administrator               International Welcome
Jenny works for Emmanuel Church on Mondays and Fridays.   Laura lives in Northstowe and teaches English as a foreign language in Cambridge. Contact Laura in English, Russian or Ukrainian if you'd like to link up with others who are new to the UK. We would love to welcome you!
Ingrid White   PXL 20240212 132527709.PORTRAI
Ingrid White  mail icon   Ben Avery  mail icon
Children's work coordinator   Treasurer
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Alex Cardwell  mail icon   Michael Phillips  mail icon
Safeguarding coordinator       Deputy safeguarding coordinator
Alex is a chemistry teacher and head of year in a local secondary school.    Michael is a father to 3 boys and assistant headteacher at a secondary school.
You can contact Alex and Michael together at safeguarding@emmanuelchurchnorthstowe.org

If you need to contact the Church please visit the Contact Us page.